This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

Being In Spirit Involves Letting Go Of Judging 

To be inspired is to be ‘in spirit’. I love living from inspiration as it brings so much life to myself and others. It is an upward moving energy. My life, my being, my choices, my passions, my boundaries and my energy. Yet, to stay uplifted in this way of being, it is necessary for us to let go of judging.

This is because being in spirit and judging others doesn’t actually resonate. The world of judgement is the realm of the head mind and the realm of head mind is not health promoting. I know myself better now and choose to live from my spirit.

Letting go of judging

I know that as part of my commitment to living in spirit I AM inviting myself to let go of judging others and myself. One because it is not in resonance with love and compassion and the truth of Who I am, and two because it is draining, divisive and clunky. A disclaimer here that this is not easy for me to let go of judging and I have not yet mastered it. I am however holding the intention and practicing being in my spirit and letting go of judging.

Judging creates pain

Instead of seeing that some things are either right or wrong, I am now seeing that some behaviours are in resonance with love and respect and some aren’t. Some behaviours bring togetherness and some bring division. Some behaviours bring honour and respect and others bring pain and suffering.

One thing is for sure, if certain behaviours bring suffering to others, it will eventually cause suffering to the person doing it. As we sew, we will reap. We will all face our karma eventually so let’s be discerning of how we engage our free will.

What about abuse?  

There are areas of life where I find it difficult not to judge others behaviours. The abuse of animals within the food industry for example. I feel a compulsion to speak up for them and fight for them. Yet condemning others food choices rarely seems to work. Probably the reason that vegans are so unpopular. It is a fine line though, as I know that any form of power abuse is not God’s way. It is not in resonance with who we truly are. So how do I bring light to the situation without condemning others?

A heartfelt vision

I have a vision of a mass of people coming together to an abattoir all wearing white, holding candles and singing to the animals as they die. We all sing from our hearts and honour them, see them and witness their suffering and let them know that we are with them.

To me this would be one example of spiritual activism which may just capture peoples hearts to inspire them and invite them to make kinder eating choices. A way of activism which is heartfelt and loving and free of condemnation. This would be ‘in spirit’ and free of judgment. It would also be full of grief and sadness as to what is currently happening to animals in the food industry. No spiritual bypassing here. Face the pain and suffering and bring loving witness to it.

Raw pain

Which brings me to my point that being in spirit doesn’t look like being happy all the time. While it means that we are naturally going to be more more buoyant and uplifted within ourself, it does not mean that we get to bypass the difficult feelings. We feel them, embrace them and then integrate them. As we are not avoiding the difficult feelings we can be more compassionate with others, and naturally we will be inspired to make kinder choices.

The simplicity of raw feelings

What I’m currently exploring is when difficult situations arise in my life, I am seeing if there is a way that we can stay in the rawness of the pain surfacing and keep it as simple as that. To refrain from embellishing the pain with rights and wrongs, shoulds and should nots. Just hold and honour the pain as it comes up and then share it with others. Share with others in a non judgemental, non blaming way how their behaviours is impacting me. For example… When this happened ….. I felt…….

If they don’t listen to me, I have the ability to honour myself and put a boundary in and limit my interaction with them. I do not become a walkover because I am letting go of judging. I still have Christ discernment as to what is in my highest good and what isn’t.

In summary

In summary, being in spirit means a deeper, rawer and more authentic life. This naturally brings more energy and joy but it does not bypass the ability to feel deeply. Feeling our feelings actually makes us more human, more connected and more raw and transparent with others.

The way of love and compassion does not endorse unloving behaviours from others either. Love and compassion speaks up about how people’s behaviours are affecting us. We have the power to remove ourselves from such a situation if that is what is needed for our own self care.

Letting go of judgement does not mean turning a blind eye to others suffering either. It means witnessing others suffering and bringing loving kindness to it. Yet we do refrain from the added layers of story, the rights and the wrongs and the shoulds and the should nots. It is what it is and this is how it is impacting me.

I would love to know if others have had any success with letting go of judging others and how you went about it! Please comment below any suggestions.

This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition

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1 Comment

  1. Jan Terkelsen

    Thoughtful article, thankyou for reminding me to set an intention of being non judgemental.

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