Hi, I’m Jane! Welcome to my blog.

I’m so glad that you are here!

Do you yearn for more joy and freedom in your life?

Are you ready to awaken to the Truth of Who You Really Are? 

To free yourself of the patterns that have been holding you back?

My mission is to help you live a freer and more joyful life. 

Please reach out for an obligation free 15 minute phone conversation to see how I can serve you.

Yours in Joy, 



Uplifting Reading

Inspiring Recovery Stories

Healing Plant based Recipes

Uplifting Music

Raising Our Consciousness As A Life Purpose

Raising Our Consciousness As A Life PurposeRaising my consciousness was not a term that I came across at school. There was no self awareness training or raising consciousness subject available. Dissecting frogs or solving mathematical equations was deemed priority...

True Healing Asks For A New Way Of Being

True Healing Asks For A New Way Of BeingHave you have tried every healing modality and it still hasn't worked? Perhaps there is a good reason for this. Perhaps your deeper self wants to give you some upgrades much bigger than what you originally imagined. Perhaps...

Can your body trust you?

Can Your Body Trust You?Can your body trust you to make decisions that honour its needs? Decisions that are in tune with its limitations? We need to show our body that we are safe, that we are trustable and that we are its best friend. We need to earn the body's trust...

Seeing Life On Earth For What It Really Is

Seeing Life On Earth For What It Really IsI AM kind, I AM love. I remember that when I pause, get back into my body, place my hand on my heart and take a couple of slow breaths. The presence of love is always inside of me and I am in no way seperate to it.  I AM made...

How To Arrive At Magnificent Self Esteem?

How To Arrive At Magnificent Self EsteemWouldn't you agree that there is nothing better than when we feel good about ourselves? I notice that when I feel good about myself, the outer world also seems amazing! The world is a better place. Conversely, if I am feeling...

Being In Spirit Involves Letting Go Of Judging

Being In Spirit Involves Letting Go Of Judging To be inspired is to be 'in spirit'. I love living from inspiration as it brings so much life to myself and others. It is an upward moving energy. My life, my being, my choices, my passions, my boundaries and my energy....

Tough Times Teach Us To Deepen In Faith

Tough Times Teach Us To Deepen In Faith Tough times can teach us to deepen in our faith and our connection with our Creator. They invite us to dig deep, sometimes even just to get through another day. If the difficult circumstance is chronic and ongoing, the modus...

I AM – Our spiritual identity is always here with us

I AM Our Spiritual Identity Is Always Here With Us I AM.  If I say those words slowly I begin to sense a deeper presence within me.  I spontaneously feel a spark of love bubble up in my heart and a gentle tear forms in my eye.  I breathe out.  I AM.  Some sparks of...

Listen deep to know yourself

Listen Deep To Know YourselfTo embody our True Self then we need to listen deep to know what flavour of energy is motivating us.   I am constantly in the practice of investigating what source my thoughts are coming from.  Is this thought regurgitated fear-based...

One Big Ego Or Many Seperate Selves

One Big Ego Or Many Seperate SelvesHave you ever considered that our ego may be comprised of a bunch of seperate reactionary patterns? Patterns that could be called seperate selves? When ignited these ‘seperate selves’ feel totally different to our deeper self. The I...

Kindness to animals

Kindness To AnimalsA lady walked past my newly finished painting.  “Ohhh sooo cute” she exclaimed.  “What made you paint a pig?” she asked.  “I love pigs” I responded.   “…. and want to bring some light to how poorly they are treated”.  “Ooohh if only bacon didn’t...

Illness is Feedback

Illness As FeedbackAs inconvenient as they are, bodily symptoms can actually be messengers in disguise.  They have arrived front and centre to tell us that our way of being in the world is not in harmony with our deepest Self.  We have forgotten something about...
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