This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

I AM Our Spiritual Identity Is Always Here With Us 

I AM.  If I say those words slowly I begin to sense a deeper presence within me.  I spontaneously feel a spark of love bubble up in my heart and a gentle tear forms in my eye.  I breathe out.  I AM.  Some sparks of joy and excitement are now within my cells.  This has to be the right track!  These 2 simple words.

I AM.  I feel whole and complete, and my conscious awareness seems to move deeper within my body.  Yet I AM beyond the body.  I AM peace and joy and love and I AM aware of awareness.   I AM for this moment free.

I AM speaks through the body

My I AM speaks directly to the body through gut feelings and intuitions and it is not necessarily in line with logic.  In fact, right now I AM inspired to get up and dance, to let my body move to the spirit sparks and impulses of the I AM.

Ego living is lonely

Yet how often can I remember to get out of the head and know my I AM as my true Self. My noisy egoic mind is just so much louder. So many booby traps of the egoic mind are lurking about for me.  Egoic mind – in essence the world of separateness, right and wrong, loneliness and not good enoughness?  I AM learning and I AM practicing daily to change my identity away from the egoic mind towards my I AM presence.

The more I hang out in the I AM I experience what a joke that old separate ‘me’ paradigm is.  I can sense that we ALL come from the same invisible place.  Our ego’s carry the same insecurities just with different flavours and stories.  Yet underneath it all WE ARE of the same vulnerable, beautiful and loving being.

A daily practice  

I’m committed to practicing being in my I AM and I can testify that the living glimpses of it are growing.  I’ve been practicing Bentinho’s suggestion that we simply just drop all concepts and memories for 2-5 seconds whenever we can.  In an instant I can choose to drop all concepts and memories and to feel myself beyond them.  My heart sings.  I AM.

Self realisation is a noble life purpose 

The realisation of our true Self is surely the most transformative and enlivening insight we could ever have and for me the most noble of life purpose’s.  I AM.

I know that I AM a child of God and therefore I AM completely loved and unique and celebrated.  When I remember this, there is nothing to achieve just an invitation to dance, to celebrate and express the goodness of Who I AM – no matter what is going on.  This is a conscious choice and at times a tall ask of a choice, but with practice it is getting a little easier.

We are all destined to become one with this Self no matter what our backgrounds, beliefs or wounding, because WE ARE so much more than any of those.  I AM, WE ARE individual Spirit Spark’s of God’s incredible light.

This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition

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