This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

Raising Our Consciousness As A Life Purpose

Raising my consciousness was not a term that I came across at school. There was no self awareness training or raising consciousness subject available. Dissecting frogs or solving mathematical equations was deemed priority over knowing myself and why I am here on this planet. There was a 100% focus on the outer world and it’s expectations of me.

Yet do you agree that most things in the external world are pretty fickle? Just when we think we are on to a good thing, it disappears. The job, the house, the physical ability, the relationship or the friendship. The Buddha knew all too well that this planet is governed by the law of impermanence. Even the best of relationships and situations can change and depart.

Is it wise to place our source of happiness anywhere outside of ourselves? Surely, it is much more wise to look for that Source of happiness within us. Imagine if we placed as much emphasis on getting to know our True Self and spiritual identity as we did our outer goals? Imagine if we made raising our consciousness our most important life goal?

How raising my consciousness became a priority

There was a time when my body was so suddenly and rapidly declining that I believed that I may have been facing death. I was on the other side of the world, alone, unable to move, and not sure if I would make it back to Australia. I was 28. There was no calmness, I was filled with panic and regret. An overwhelming regret arose at my lack of love and care for others, my selfishness. I wanted my parents near me and I was regretful at my disconnect from them.

I didn’t know it at the time, but this was the beginning of years of being bedridden. Overnight, I had lost my physical independence and I was about to question anything and everything that had ever been taught to me. This ongoing traumatic event was the catalyst for catapulting me onto a path of raising my consciousness.

This sudden relentless illness was about to cause me to question my life’s priorities and values, my viewpoint of myself and God, my expectations of life and others and most importantly Who I truly was. It took me a while, but as the time stuck in a listless body ticked on, what was real and important about life became more and more evident.



What does raising our consciousness even mean?

True Self

In short, raising our consciousness means, letting go of the perception filters that prevent us from experiencing ourselves as our True Self. In our True Self or I AM presence, we are perfect, whole and complete. Nothing or no one can take from the Love that we are. We are the essence of Love itself, we are divine. We are eternally sparkling.

The journey of raising our consciousness is quite simple. It is a moment by moment, day by day, surrendering of our ego, so that more and more we naturally become the embodiment of our divine essence or true I AM presence. The raising of consciousness is the ascension of our True Self by the transcendence of our ego.

The Ego

When we came to earth, we didn’t just get a True Self though, we also got a human self or an ego. The ego, the gatekeeper or trickster goes above and beyond to protect us and keep us seperate. The ego will go to all lengths to make us feel better about ourselves. Unlike our I AM presence, the ego does not feel perfect, whole and complete.

Our ego has lost connection with God, it and feels alone and seperate in the world. Over time it has accumulated many perception filters about ourselves, life, God and others. For the most part, it misses the mark as it does not see the big picture.

It needs to believe it is somebody, as it inherently doesn’t feel enough. Most of the world is swimming around in ego, identifying with it, mistakingly thinking that it is who we are. Therefore, most of us never feel enough. The myriad of behaviours that human beings partake in to feel okay about themselves are a result of misidentifying with the ego.

Therefore, we need to learn to recognise our ego and see it for what it is. It is our mind doing a good job, trying to uphold our image, protect us and keep us safe. It is also the source of our suffering.

Looking closely at the ego 

Upon investigation of my own ego, I have seen that I carry many thought patterns, which all have their own flavour and vibration. These seperate selves live quietly in my subconscious until something triggers them to the forefront. In summary, I would say that my ego is a conglomerate of these seperate selves.

Therefore upon closer look, we can see that the ego is a diverse range of thought patterns that reside mainly inside of our heads. It includes a number of seperate selves that hold on to different stories and narratives about who we are and who others are. It has all sorts of flavours and stories like ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I am not loved’, ‘Nothing is fair’ and the list goes on. If we are feeling rubbish about ourselves, then it is our ego at play.

Seperate Selves

These seperate selves are the guys that we need to work with – one by one. They are altering our perceptions of life, tainting our experience, inhibiting us experiencing ourself as our True Self. These perception filters and seperate selves need to be surrendered little by little, bit by bit to make space for the Power of Love or our True Self to live through us.

The more of these seperate selves that we let go of, the freer and more authentic we become. With each illusion that we let go of, we raise our consciousness higher. We become more aligned with our divine essence and more connected with our original nature, God and all of life. We also become happier, as we are letting go of judgements and reactions. Naturally, we are learning to embody more love, and therefore we are becoming more resilient and truer expressions of our True Self.

An important Note

For divine love to flow through us, we need to learn to love all parts of ourself. The ego and its seperate selves are not to be rejected or pushed away, but embraced and loved. Our seperate selves are in need of healing and integration. As the stories are heard, and nurtured, they naturally find peace and eventually dissolve into the divine love and goodness that we are beyond the ego.

Let’s be clear, our ego does not dissolve by judgement, or by pushing it away, but by being embraced and integrated into love. It deserves great compassion. It is going to wonderful lengths to keep us safe and to uphold our image. Our ego, and other people’s egos are absolutely doing the best that they can. The minute that we are judging either ourselves or others, then it is a warning sign that we are stepping into the world of ego judging ego.

So where do we start?

So where do we start with all of this. The first step is to be in our bodies. To slow down and breathe into our bellies. If we are in our bodies, then we can gain greater awareness of the different parts of ourselves as they arise in our consciousness.


Yesterday I was doing a job for my husband. I wanted some space to do it with out anyone telling me how to do it. When he gave me some instruction on how to do it, I became irritated and was short with him.

Aware that I had reacted and become irritated, I knew that a seperate self was running me in that moment. I took myself out of the room to create some space in my consciousness to investigate it. I lay down, made sure I was in my body by breathing into my belly.

Sure enough, I found the energy of the irritation living in my head. I went into it, and asked it directly why it was irritated? Appreciating being heard, it said that it wanted some space. The ‘give me some space’ seperate self had been activated! I reflected back to it, that I could see that it wanted some space. The energy pattern immediately breathed out and relaxed a little as it had been seen, heard and validated.

How does my Christ Self see this? 

I then asked my Christ Self how it saw this particular situation. I received a knowing, that in this case, Christ would have come under my husband’s direction and listened to his instructions. That in this moment, Love was there to serve his wishes. It was more humble and teachable.

Whilst of course it was valid for a part of me to want some space, in this case my Christ Self’s role was to listen to my husband’s instructions. It was an expensive piece of equipment that needed particular care. Realising that I had missed the mark of my Christ Self (the original definition of sin was missing the mark). I went to him and apologised for my shortness and explained my new understanding. We beautifully reconnected in our hearts.

The reason that this was easy to shift was that I stopped, looked and listened. On recognising my irritation, I took myself to a quiet place to investigate it. I looked to see where the thought pattern was in my body, then I listened to it and validated it. Taking it a step further, I asking my True Self how it would be in this situation. I recognised and discerned the knowing that arose in my consciousness to be coming from Truth (that in this case Christ would follow instructions). I could tell that it was from my Christ Self as I recognised the crispy, clean, loving vibration of it.

Did you notice that in the example, I still made the space to hear this seperate self and to lovingly reflect back to it what it was feeling? Even just by doing that, it somewhat released its grip. In order to transcend all parts of ourselves, our seperate selves need to feel heard and honoured (no matter what they are on about).


If I had been starkly identified with the ‘Give me some space’ seperate self I would not have been able to hear the truth from my deeper self. I would not have been able to reconnect with Love.

The next step was to see it for what it was (not Christ). It was a valid feeling, however it wasn’t the appropriate time for that. Seeing that, I could easily disidentify with it. I asked to be shown how my Christ self would be in this situation, and after receiving that clarity I followed that impulse. By being committed to choosing Christ, the other one was naturally released.

As you most likely know, not all thought patterns are that easy to drop. Something that has a much stronger habitual attachment and charge may need a different approach. Depending on what is driving it, it may need more continued infusions of love, empathy and validation every time it pops up until it disappears or it may need complete disidentification.

One approach that I am using successfully at the moment for disidentification with persistent unwanted thoughts is simply saying to it from the depths of my heart and belly ‘This is not who I am, I am back here, unaffected by this’. If I bring my awareness back to my stomach, solar plexus and heart and anchor myself in my body. I can notice my I AM presence and become one with it. From my I AM presence I say to the unwanted thought in the mind ‘this is not who I AM’. I AM back here and I am unaffected by this’.

Cultivating love

I realised today that the practice of chanting and mantras are surely intended to bring in the consciousness of love. We can also bring in the consciousness of love just by being in our heart in our body. There is power in making a clear intention to infuse heart energy into all of our thoughts. There is a consciousness deeper than the mind and we can choose to live from this place. I need to remind myself of this one regularly. I love it when I remember to come from the heart. It just feels amazing.

I recommend starting in the stillness. How do you move your body through space? Is it rushed, with an outcome agenda from the head? Or more spacious from the heart? Play with this and experiment. Begin to notice the different ways that you move you body and where in your being it comes from.

With the power of intention we can remember to move our body from the heart. We can breathe with the body. This way is slower and more gentle than the habitual work mode that I often find myself in. I love it when I wash the dishes from my heart, weed the garden from my heart and speak from my heart. Whatever it is, we can do it with love in our hearts. We can let Love infuse all of our thoughts and movements.


Over time, through the suffering of life, I have come to an empowered viewpoint, that sees that everything that happens to us, adverse or beautiful, is a potential gateway to take the next step towards the embodiment of our True Self, or in other words our Christ Self.

The ongoing relentless suffering of my illness was my biggest teacher. It showed me what was true in my life and what wasn’t. It still helps me to become aware of the subtleties of myself and what particular energies are driving me. Any symptom flare up is a sure sign that there is a seperate self that needs some love and integration and that my current way of being is not a reflection of my True Self.

The illness was and is my greatest awakener. The more that I learn to honour myself and my needs and then embody my True Self, the illness continues to drop away.

Whatever is happening in our world can be used to embody just a little bit more of the unconditional love that we Truly are. Everything is an invitation to release one more seperate self so that we can return that little bit closer to our innocent essence. The hardship has the ability to free us of one more knot, where we are tied down to this world.

As we systematically heal our wounds and reactions, and let go of our ungodly perception filters, we become freer to respond from Love – our true nature. This is what raising our consciousness is. Embodying our True Self.

In our essence we already are, and always were unconditional love. Yet are we living from this place? Are we truly embodying it? Let’s hold the intention to do so. It is what the world needs more than anything.

This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition

Written by admin

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