This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

Tough Times Teach Us To Deepen In Faith 

Tough times can teach us to deepen in our faith and our connection with our Creator. They invite us to dig deep, sometimes even just to get through another day.

If the difficult circumstance is chronic and ongoing, the modus operandi that you have had up until now likely isn’t going to shift the problem. You are being called into a new way of being. It is a new day for you. Your consciousness is rising. See article True healing includes changing your way of being in the world.

How do we deepen our faith in difficult times?

Yet there is a gap. There is a gap between where you are now and where you’d like to be and you likely don’t know how to get there. The question is – how do you navigate this gap? Do you tap into faith and peace, knowing that whatever it is you are struggling with is temporary? Or do you give into panic and despair and thoughts of it never going away?

Throughout my chronic illness journey, I oscillated between the two. Moments of faith and hope gave rise to moments of hopelessness and despair and vice versa. I imagine this is really normal.

Empowered choice on the tough days

What got me through the really hard days was this – “I can do it, I can get through this one day. I am going to live this one day that I am in as if it is my last.” Every morning that I woke up bed ridden I said the same thing to myself.

This had an unexpected result. It took the pressure off. I only had to get through on more day.

It also gave rise to the question – how do I want to be on this last day? I decided that I wanted to be kind. One because it felt good, and two because no matter what my body was doing, I still had the power to choose to be kind. Did I always succeed at this? Not always, but it did give me an empowered focus. Despite what my body was doing, I found a purpose in raising my consciousness to be more like Christ.

One thing is for sure, this tough time you may be in right now, can teach you to deepen in your faith. I mean how could faith even be faith without the existence of difficult circumstances. Difficulty is what gives rise for the need for faith.

Jesus advocated choosing faith  

Why do you think Jesus was such an advocate of developing our inner faith? I can think of some reasons. For one, faith is powerful. As He said “…. if you have faith inside of you no bigger than the size of a small mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move away from here and go over there,’ and you will see it move![a] There is nothing you couldn’t do!” (Matthew 17:20, Passion Translation).

This even lines up with the popular New Age belief that we need to first believe in something in order to out-manifest it. No matter what our beliefs, let’s believe in our own power. We are after all co-creating with God.

Secondly, choosing faith brings peace. We can deal with the current circumstance, in this moment, knowing that “This too shall pass(2 Corinthians 4: 17-18).

I am personally not an advocate for blind faith nor blind optimism. What I am talking about is a grounded felt connection to your inner knowing. A grounded felt connection to the Goodness of God’s nature. When you get to know God, you know that He/She loves you and is always looking after you and leading you towards more freedom.

Use the messages in your body to deepen faith


Let’s connect with our Spirit through our body right now…

Feel yourself inside of your body. Feel your feet on the floor, feel your consciousness inside every cell of your body. Take a deep breath…..

Now go to your solar plexus area. Ask your Higher Self about your trying circumstance. (Ie. Will I ever be healed?) Hold the question inside your body….. What does it feel like deep behind the solar plexus area? What is your inner knowing saying in regards to this question?

For me, if I notice that it feels light and clear here, my faith is strengthened. My inner knowing is telling me directly through a felt sense – you are going to get through this. All is well. God has got this.

This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition

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