This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

True Healing Asks For A New Way Of Being

Have you have tried every healing modality and it still hasn’t worked? Perhaps there is a good reason for this. Perhaps your deeper self wants to give you some upgrades much bigger than what you originally imagined.

Perhaps there is a new way of being waiting for you, that involves more self expression, more freedom, more empowerment and more alignment with WHO YOU TRULY ARE.

Chronic Illness and Self Value

Through my long journey with chronic illness I have learnt a few things about myself that I may not have learnt without it. I have come to understand that in my case, bodily symptoms pointed towards long standing, almost invisible, patterns of behaviour that were not healthy.

At the core of it, I didn’t always know how to value and love myself, how to communicate my needs and how to listen to my soul. My healing has demanded that I learn how to do this better.

I say this with compassion for myself as it has been a hard and innocent journey. Growing up I learnt certain self defeating behaviours from the culture around me, and suffered from a lack of nurture from both within and without. I didn’t know how to honour my own deepest needs.

Gladly, I am willing to take responsibility for this, as with taking responsibility for my behaviours I have the power to change them and the health of my body. In my case, true healing has asked for more than surface adjustments, true healing has asked that I shift my way of being in the world.

Healing asks for changes

Over time I began to notice that my fatigue symptoms would grow stronger in certain situations. It was not random and unpredictable as I had first thought, it was just that symptoms were directly connected to my emotional body as well.

I learnt that through exacerbated symptoms, my deeper self was actually trying to give me a message. It was pointing me towards some unresolved psychology. A pattern of behaviour that was not valuing myself.

This book on Reverse Therapy by John Eaton is one of the best places to start in order to understand the link between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia symptoms and deeper messages.

Reverse therapy was the turning point for me. Certain situations and feelings were inviting me to take on a newer, more wholesome way of being in the world. To learn to speak up for myself, to implement boundaries where necessary and generally to listen to my body and follow my joy.

Pushing through

After a lifetime of pushing my body to achieve, my body had no tolerance left for pushing through. It now seems obvious – pushing myself to meet external demands or goals was NOT loving and valuing myself.

There was a simple solution to reversing the over-achiever in me. Learning to take pauses. I began to learn to pause and listen acutely to what the body was asking me to do in each and every moment. This wasn’t always socially acceptable but I did it anyway!

As I began to walk again, I needed short pauses very frequently. This even involved sitting on the tiled floor of the supermarket, pausing until my body told me I could move. As I listened acutely and tended to my body’s needs, symptoms began to lift.

How much do you tolerate?

One of the other predecessors to my illness was that I had learnt to tolerate too much from others. I didn’t properly understand my worth, and allowed others to treat me poorly without speaking up for myself.

This could look like people being repeatedly late and despite being upset not revealing to them how I was feeling. Reverse therapy was the missing link that showed me how to interpret what my body was telling me and to take on new, more assertive behaviours.

Non violent communication is a lifeline

Over the years I have been learnt to actually STOP and ask myself what I am feeling. I regularly find a quiet space, go within and ask myself:

“What are you feeling?” “Ohh, why are you feeling……?” “What do you need?”

I will communicate my feelings with others. This helps me to be more authentic and to create more connection with them. I am practicing being vulnerable and telling others when I am feeling hurt as a result of something they have or have not done.

My old pattern of sitting back and pretending that everything is okay, or avoiding someone who has hurt me is not serving my healing, nor others awakening. Non violent communication has taught me to be responsible for my feelings and to share them in a compassionate way. Please see this great description of non violent communication.

I AM valuable. I AM responsible for my energy and my energy only. I AM NOT responsible for others.

I always have the power to place limits on what I will and will not put myself through. I have learnt to say NO. I remember, I AM VALUABLE.

Some questions to leave you with….

Do you do things that you don’t really want to do?

Do you reveal how you are feeling to others and speak up for your needs?

This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

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